One of the giant Strides in technology Microsoft is set to launch her new generation of adndroid phones, these are the next generation of its Nokia X line of phones, this lunch is set to take place on Tuesday, June 24. The company posted an item to its Conversations blog on Friday, June 20, with a countdown clock and a green logo similar to that used with the X line that made its debut at Mobile World Congress. The same teaser image and clock counting down to June 24th can be seen on a Chinese version of the Nokia site as well.
The Nokia X is Microsoft’s line of phones that runs a fork of Android that is heavily influenced by Windows Phone. After Microsoft bought Nokia, it was unclear whether Microsoft would continue selling the Nokia X phones. Microsoft eventually confirmed that it is committed to the Nokia X line of phones. Unconfirmed sources have it that the next generation of Nokia X phones will include physical home buttons.
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